Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Changing Website Location

Per our school district initiative to migrate all teacher websites to a site that allows for inclusive accessibility, our new class website is located here:

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday, April 23rd

  • Reading and Notes: We'll finish reading and discussing Act II of The Crucible, focusing on John Proctor's characterization and development. 
  • Finally, you'll have WORK TIME for the following:
    • Your response to The Matrix is due today. It was due Friday, but I didn't give you enough class time! 
    • Complete any missing work or corrections you may need for this class. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday, April 19th

  • Reading and Notes: We'll continue reading and discussing ACT II (Scenes I and II) of The Crucible in class today. We'll focus on the development of John Proctor and his characterization as a tragic hero. 
  • Finally, you'll have WORK TIME for the following:
    • (Due Today) Write a 1.5-2 page typed, MLA formatted response that makes and supports an argument in response to one of the following questions:
      • Is Neo an archetypal savior figure? Be sure to start with your argument then give and explain as many examples from the film as you can fit into two pages. (Refer to your notes on archetypal savior figures to write this response.)
      • What social criticism does The Matrix make about our society today? Begin with your argument and explain as many pieces of evidence from the film as you can fit into two pages. (Refer to your notes about dystopian literature to write this response.)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday, April 18th

  • Notes: We'll discuss the most common characteristics of a dystopian protagonist, making connections to Neo from The Matrix
  • Then we'll finish viewing and discussing The Matrix
  • Finally, you'll have WORK TIME for the following:
    • (Due Tomorrow) Write a 1.5-2 page typed, MLA formatted response that makes and supports an argument in response to one of the following questions:
      • Is Neo an archetypal savior figure? Be sure to start with your argument then give and explain as many examples from the film as you can fit into two pages. (Refer to your notes on archetypal savior figures to write this response.)
      • What social criticism does The Matrix make about our society today? Begin with your argument and explain as many pieces of evidence from the film as you can fit into two pages. (Refer to your notes about dystopian literature to write this response.)

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday, April 17th

  • Notes and Discussion: I'll introduce dystopian literature, including purpose, key terms, and key characteristics. You'll make connections to The Matrix and other films and texts with which you are familiar. 
  • Viewing and Notes: Then we'll continue viewing and discussing The Matrix, focusing on Neo as an archetypal hero figure. (Is he, or is he not a savior figure...?) We'll also identify elements of dystopian literature and deconstruct the social criticism the film presents. 

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday, April 16th

Birthday Cake Cake Birthday Cupcakes Candl
Happy birthday, Caden!!!

  • Notes: We'll discuss types of archetypal heroes, and you'll take notes on the distinctions and key features of these heroes. 
  • Viewing, Discussion, and Notes: Then we'll begin viewing and discussing the film The Matrix, focusing on identifying the hero and defining characteristics. 

Image Source (pixabay)

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, April 13th

  • We'll finish viewing and discussing "Out of Gas." 
  • Then you'll have WORK TIME for the following: 
    • You'll write a response in your notebook that compares the relative morality of two characters. 
    • Then you'll read an assigned section of The Crucible and work on any missing assignments you may have.